
Part I: God Only Knows

Submitted by SpartanAltego on Thu, 12/07/2017 - 01:17

Let the Long Night End
Part I
God Only Knows

I may not always love you
But long as there are stars above you
You never need to doubt it
I’ll make you so sure about it
‘Cause God only knows what I’d be without you

“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” – Og Mandino

1982, June 25th (Evening)
Shenandoah Park, West Virginia

Set Me as a Seal upon Your Heart Part 2

Submitted by dongregg on Sat, 08/22/2015 - 00:39


Chapter 2: On Edge

The Hideout

Oskar and Eli leave the courtyard and move across the irregular terrain of the nature preserve. As they move through the dark forest, they tune their eyes and ears for other presences. The few words they speak are so hushed that only they can hear them.

Chapter 61: Reconciliation

Submitted by PeteMork on Tue, 04/16/2013 - 04:59

Richard and Elaine looked up when they heard the kitchen door open.

“Mr. Dawson? Can I talk to you?”

Elaine immediately got up and headed up the stairs. “You’re on your own, Rich. I have some…housecleaning to do and laundry to fold. She winked at Hannah.

Hannah smiled gratefully, then sat down at the table, across from Dr. Dawson. “Has Mrs. Dawson talked to you? I mean, about Jack? And me?”

“Yes, she has, Hannah. And I can certainly see why you’re so uncomfortable.”

“Eli’s sure I should let this happen, Mr. Dawson, but I think it’s … not right.”

Chapter 54: Descent into Darkness.

Submitted by PeteMork on Mon, 12/24/2012 - 04:52

Oskar stood there motionless, arms at his sides, unable to fully grasp what he had just seen. Hannah, sobbing quietly to herself, took Oskar’s hand in hers and squeezed it tightly. They watched Sava fly rapidly back and forth across the bay no more than three feet above the water, frantically searching for any sign of life… or death.

Chapter 1 Introductions

Submitted by EEA on Sat, 12/08/2012 - 07:14

She came inside, did not bother to look at him. Hakan struggle with the melted boxes. The stuff inside was all wet.
Is she still angry with me?
She didn't even look at him, that's how it was when she fought with him, thought of him indifferently. He looked at the window, and the rain came pouring in not allowing him to see nothing except the waterfalls of water.
"In two days...." She told him as she went to her room as she with one hand slam the door.
So that's the way things are.

Part 2

Submitted by EEA on Fri, 12/07/2012 - 16:43

Lessons Lessons and more lessons

Well being a (Oh yeah I forgot that word that Eli does not like), Oskar told me never to mention that 7 letter forbidden word infront of Eli. She goes all crazy and then there will be many broken bones. Possibly broken furniture too and he does not want to disturb the neighbors.
So here I was ready to start my first lesson!
Lesson 1
We live on blood.
Eli wrote on the chalk board. We were in the living room. We had moved into a one room apartment that Eli had rented. If things went well Eli said we could stay here for a year!