Translation for the promo-video for LtODD

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Translation for the promo-video for LtODD

Post by bore » Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:42 am

I PM'd this translation to Wolfchild about three weeks ago but I think he has been to busy to add it somewhere so I figured that I'll post it here so you all have something to read meanwhile.
Välkommen in i mörkret.
Welcome into the darkness.

Jag heter John Ajvide Lindqvist.
My name is John Ajvide Lindqvist.

I början av nästa år utkommer jag med en ny bok,
At the beginning of next year I will publish a new book,

Låt De Gamla Drömmarna Dö,
Let The Old Dreams Die,

där jag samlat ett antal av de hemska bilder som trängs i mitt huvud och kräver att få bli berättelser.
where I have collected a number of the horrible images that is being squeezed in my head and demands to become stories.

<bright mode>

Men där finns en hel del annat också, lite smått och gott för alla och envar.
But there are also a lot other things, little odds and ends for everyone.

Där finns t.ex. flera av de sketcher som jag skrev till en tv-serie som heter "Reuter & Skoog"
There are for example several of the skits that I wrote for a TV series called "Reuter & Skoog"

som aldrig blev inspelade men som tycker jag tillhör dom allra roligaste jag skrev.
that never was recorded, but which I think belongs among the most fun I wrote.

Där finns mitt sommarprogram från 2006 och där finns ett antal texter som jag tidigare bara gjort på scen
There is my summer program from 2006 and there are a number of texts that I had previously only done on stage

men som här publiceras i bokform för första gången men ...
that will be published in book form for the first time but ...

<dark mode>

... framförallt är det berättelserna.
... above all it is the stories.

Kvinnan som allsedan hon var en liten flicka förföljts av ett tuggande ljud som hon vet är ute efter henne.
The woman that since she was a little girl has been followed by a chewing sound that she knows is after her.

Pojken som blev förälskad i en flicka som inte finns.
The boy who fell in love with a girl that does not exist.

Och de två grabbarna, vännerna, som sitter i skogen och eldar telefonkataloger tills en man kommer till deras läger
And the two guys, the friends, sitting in the forest and burns phone books until a man shows up at their camp

och ger dem en pistol och vad det gör med deras vänskap.
and gives them a gun and what it does to their friendship.


Face Jar

Om hur författaren John Ajvide Lindqvist bryts sönder under Göteborgs filmfestival av sina egenpåhittade spöken.
About how the author John Lindqvist Ajvide breaks down during Gothenburg film festival of his selfinvented ghosts.

<Lilla stjärna sequence>

Och fortsättningen på Låt Den Rätte Komma in - Låt De Gamla Drömmarna Dö
And the continuation of Let the Right One In - Let The Old Dreams Die

<bright mode>

som nog är den finaste kärlekshistoria jag skrivit dessutom.
which probably also is the most beautiful love story I have written.

Oskar och Eli från Låt Den Rätte Komma In är bara bipersoner, men man får veta hur det går för dem iallafall.
Oskar and Eli from Let The Right One In is only minor characters, but at least you get to know what happens to them.

Ja, jag hoppas verkligen att ni kommer tycka om den här boken.
Yes, I really hope that you are going to enjoy this book.

<Dark mode>

<Song>Det är så lätt att leva livet om bara kärleken finns med,
för någonstans så står det skrivet att den som lever får väl se</song>

<Song>It is so easy to live life if only love is in it,
because somewhere it is written that perhaps the one who lives will know<song>
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Re: Translation for the promo-video for LtODD

Post by bore » Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:55 am

The Ansiktsburk / Face Jar statement might need som clarification.

It is probably a reference to John Ajvide Lindqvist/Ansiktsburk av Erik Pettersson

The literal translation of Anisktsburk is face jar.
In the late 90's or early 00's some Swedish dude on teh interwebs (Johan Gröndahl) found a music video with Azar Habibs. He add new lyrics to the music video by selectin the Swedish word that sounded closest to the original instead of creating an actual translation. (The equivalent of misheard lyrics I guess.)
This resulted in song titles like Hatten är Din (The Hat is Yours.) and Ansiktsburk.
The original name of the song Ansiktsburk is Am tekbar el farha.
As far as I know this has nothing to do with the book but at least it explains where the name is from.
There is a Swedish wikipedia page for it. The English version was deleted with the following reason: Completely unknown to people not speaking Swedish and low quality content
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Re: Translation for the promo-video for LtODD

Post by abner_mohl » Tue May 17, 2011 1:42 pm

Did the srt file for bore's translation and uploaded to You Tube. Thank you bore for the translation.


Re: Translation for the promo-video for LtODD

Post by DMt. » Tue May 17, 2011 3:20 pm

Do you get the impression that perhaps JAL has a little bit of a...dark side? :lol:

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Re: Translation for the promo-video for LtODD

Post by Ash » Wed May 18, 2011 7:30 am

DMt. wrote:Do you get the impression that perhaps JAL has a little bit of a...dark side? :lol:
LOL. Does the Pope **** in the woods?
Of all the "famous" people I'd love to talk to, JAL is very close to the top of the list. It could be quite a scary experience though. :o

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