Chapter 2

Submitted by RabidMaggot93 on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 21:27

“Who is it?”

Alexander knew straight away from the tone who the voice belonged to behind the rather worn wooden door. It puzzled him as to why they would choose to stay in such a low end part of London, and in this hotel none the less. But then, he supposed that it paid to keep a low profile, especially as Eli and Oskar where only twelve apiece. He cleared his throat, and noted it was unusually dry. He had skipped his usual feeding – for once – to come and see Eli, as bad as he knew that could be.

“It’s me, Eli. Alexander.” He replied, and after several moments the lock was undone and the door opened, and Eli looked up at him with a small hint of confusion on her face. She looked rather sweet with her face like that, though he knew better than to voice it. Only Oskar held that right – if he said it, it’d be taken the wrong way, probably. Grunting inwardly he gave a smile as she spoke again. In that time he noted she had a simple night gown on, done with buttons just below her collar.

“I did not expect you. Oskar is just getting ready to go to bed, and I had planned on staying in with him tonight.” She told him, rather plainly. Evidently she did not want him here, and his eyes flickered passed her head towards the form of Oskar, who had walked out from around the corner – were the beds must have been. His blonde hair was pushed back from his eyes, and he wore a very plain cotton pair of Pj’s – no top. Was he not cold? As his gaze flickered around he realised just how much of a dump this room actually was. He wouldn’t be surprised it if was infested with mice or roaches.

“Eli?” He heard Oskar speak, and the small boy rubbed his eyes with tiredness. It must have been past ten at night, though obviously to he and Eli the day was just beginning. His eyes flickered down just in time to catch Eli’s gaze softening as she turned away from him and smiled.

“It’s only Alexander, Oskar” She told him, and though he could not see, Alexander knew she was smiling. “Get yourself off to bed, Mister, I’ll be there shortly.”

Oskar pouted playfully and Eli laughed, shaking her head.

“Don’t make me come down this corridor. I’ll tickle you to death.”

“I’ll tickle you first.” Oskar shot back, his grin growing, but he nodded “Fine...” He said, his voice exaggerated in childishness once more. He waved gently to Alexander, and grew somewhat concerned when he realised Alexander seemed too focussed. His gaze was glassy and yet still there all at the same time. As Eli noticed Oskar’s gaze, she turned, and all at once several things happened.

Alexander growled and lunged, one arm pistoning out to push Eli bodily aside against the wall. Eli was caught for once with surprise, and the force of her body hitting the wood echoed through the room as she slumped for a second, dazed. Alex used this time to run along the hall and crest the corner, staring hungrily at the form of Oskar who was huddled on the furthest bed away, eyes staring fearfully at the hungry predator before him. Alex tensed his muscles, and leapt-

Eli collided with him with an angry snarl of rage, the force sending him all but flying onto the bed Oskar was curled up on, hitting the end and rolling off onto the floor. She was on his side, his back, hands wrapping around his throat. His beast knew what she was trying to do – subdue him if she could help it, not kill him. He thrashed on all fours, left and right, struggling to get to his feet with her weight on his back. He managed it, hands now going up to his throat and using all of his strength he managed to pry her fingers just enough apart to get a grip on her left arm and throw her over his shoulder. She did not have a distance to travel before she connected with the wardrobe set on the opposite wall, hard enough to smash straight through the flimsy wood that seemed to explode in a hail of splinters.

“Eli!” He heard Oskar cry out and he turned, his attention broken on the female for a moment. Hunger surged through him, his eyes large and his teeth changed now into sharp shark like fangs. Once more he advanced to Oskar, crawling up the bed on all fours, his eyes locked on the boy who exuded fear from every pore.

Take him. The infection commanded, though it was not in words as one would speak them. It was more instinctual than that, but it was still clear. He reached out with clawed fingers to rip out Oskars throat-

Eli was there again, leaping onto his back, but this time she did not aim to play nice. Her claws sunk into his cheek and Alex howled in pain as she wrapped her legs around his torso and rolled with her entire weight so that they tipped once more onto the floor, Eli on bottom. He heard her give a small gasp as he landed on her, but before he could react she had wormed out from under his weight and was on his chest, pinning his arms with her knees.

The snap of his fangs he gave at her face earned him a vicious punch across the jaw that slammed his head hard against the carpet and had his vision explode into stars. Through his hunger ladled vision he noted her arms where imbedded with splinters and her gown was torn in places, but the very site of her sheer anger scared him even more. It was like nothing he’d ever seen before in his life – he was surprised the look had not killed him already.

“Oskar, are you alright?” She asked softly, and after several moments he heard the shaky reply.

“Yes...” He whimpered, and Eli’s expression once more melted into pain. As she looked down at him though, the sheer rage came back as her hands gripped his shirt and she leaned her face close to his. By now the infection had withdrawn with fear and Alexander was in control again. To say he was terrified would be an understatement.

“If you EVER put Oskar in danger like that again,” She snarled pure hate at him, eyes narrowed almost into slits, her lips curling back over - thankfully normal – teeth “I will kill you. Do you hear me?” She snarled, and punched him again in the jaw. He was sure she’d dislocated it with that one, but he didn’t struggle. He couldn’t.

“Why did you not feed before you came?” She spat down at him, and receiving no reply she gripped him by the neck and squeezed “Answer me!”

He tried to speak but only a whimper came out. She tightened her grip and he spluttered before he managed to choke out;

“I thought I could control-”

“Alexander. I am two hundred years old and even I cannot control my hunger. That is why I do not wait to feed.” She snapped, glaring down at him “I will take you hunting, this once. But if you ever do this again, ever knowingly put Oskar in danger, mark my words I will rip your throat out.”

And then she was off his chest and by Oskar’s side, hugging him and stroking his hair. Now Alexander realised just how horrified he was. He doubted Eli had ever allowed him to see her get like Alexander had just been. Tears streamed down his face and soundless sobs wracked his body. A brief pang of guilt tore through him as Eli whispered to him.

“I am sorry, Oskar, I’ll be back later Okay? I’ll lock the door before I leave, just try to get some sleep. I love you.” She whispered and kissed his forehead, tucking him into bed the way a mother would. Alexander glanced up the corridor to get his eyes off that particular thing, wincing as he moved. He knew he would heal – and he knew Eli would too when she plucked the splinters out from her arms and he assumed back – but there was no-one seemingly bothered by the noise. Then again, this was a rough part of London, and a few noises probably would not be out of the norm, even a fight.

“But Eli, your arms-” He heard Oskar again now, but she shushed him with a soft sound.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine in a day or two.” She smiled softly “Now sleep, okay?”


“Yes Oskar?”

“I love you too.”

Eli smiled softly, turning off the light and jogging up the hall to close the door and lock it, before returning to Alex’s side.

“Follow me.” She said emotionlessly, and made sure he followed her out of the window.