Prologue: Welcome

Submitted by EEA on Thu, 12/06/2012 - 04:27

The water drops, they control their own speed. If they want they give a drizzle, or make themselves into buckets of water. They control this town were the sun hasn't hit, were even snow is forbidden, when they get angry, when they feel danger, if they do, they become cubes of ice, and hit sharply those who get in the way, no this town were the sun hasn't come out, were there is only a gray sky, no blue, no red sky. The world is gray, dull, the roads are fill of mud, and the water drops hit and hit the balconies, the buildings, the cars, the roads that create more mud. It is too a dark night. There is no end to the rain, the girl watches from inside the car. Feels that this town is good, this place were she can stay for a while. Yes the ideal place, so she steps outside goes to her new home, her new home that starts the same cycle. The girl wears no sweater, no umbrella to protect herself, there is no point. She walks with indifference to the building. Behind her an older man follows shuffling boxes, the boxes almost melt from too much water drops hitting them, and some bags but she does not help him. She steps into the building and continues forward.
There is someone watching, a boy who watches from his room. From his window, were he has the lights on, as if he wants for anyone to see he is there, but just like those other nights, no one notices him. He is too concentrated seeing the rain, too hypnotized to notice the girl and the old man. Sees how the rain falls, he who wishes to be inside of the rain, to be one of those lucky water drops, but he cannot go inside because there is too much rain, too much water is falling from the sky, he who squints his eyes, and tries to see with his eyes anything beyond this rain, hoping that something happens, that this rain stops, and that he will find a sunshine in his life.