The novel written by John Ajvide Lindqvist

Chapter 63b: After the dream (or Tomorrow, Today will be Yesterday)

Submitted by PeteMork on Sun, 12/01/2013 - 20:55

Oskar rolled over, felt Eli next to him and snuggled up against her back. Are you awake?


What are we going to do to find him, Eli? Should we try the cave again? Oskar was suddenly confused. He had no recollection of yesterday at all, he suddenly realized. The last thing he remembered was stepping up on the porch and running for the kitchen, full of the news of their incredible discovery.

“Find who, Oskar?” Eli sat up on the edge of the bed and stretched.

“The Leprechaun, of course! Or fairy! Or whatever he was.”

4. The book of Peter Pan

Submitted by Intrige on Fri, 10/18/2013 - 19:20

There was a house in Luleå, it was small, red. Pretty straight forward, nothing special with this house. Nor was the people inside. The only reason the snowflakes even bothered to go there was because they had heard a few rumours. The winged children used to be there, and the snowlakes wanted to see if it was true.


Submitted by EEA on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 03:03

Who are the people that Eli and Oskar feed on in order to live?


I have to change. I will. I will. Then I will have my wife and daughter back.

Chapter 62: Midnight Flight of Fancy

Submitted by PeteMork on Sun, 04/21/2013 - 18:59

They carefully eased the kitchen door closed behind them, tiptoed down the steps and moved quietly across the lawn toward the pool. Oskar hesitated a moment, glanced back at Hannah’s porch steps, and despite his attempts to stop it, relived that moment when Adrian had tried his best to take Hannah from them forever. He had seen it himself through her eyes, despite her attempts to keep it from him and, at inopportune moments, it replayed itself without warning.